Parallel Mobile App
2021 | Product and Brand Design
A comprehensive, community-driven app and social platform designed to connect individuals and organizations around global and local social issues. Parallel aims to streamline education and collaboration among like-minded people, empowering them to take action more effectively. This project was my solo work for Designlab’s UX Academy.


Design a community led platform that allows users to post and share content, events and polls – as well as connect and organize with local and global organizations.

Create an recognizable brand and logo to differentiate from future or potential competitors.

Implement features that encourage participation through a points system and community-ranked content.

Address challenges like misinformation, irrelevant content, and lack of trust in content sources.


Information overload and lack of trustworthy resources

People with shared interests and goals struggle to organize efficiently due to fragmented communication channels

Many individuals feel disconnected from actionable steps, leading to lower engagement in activism


In 2020, online activism became a powerful tool for organizing social and environmental movements globally, especially amid COVID-19 restrictions. With the rise of digital activism and the internet making it easier than ever to organize social movements today, it came as a surprise that I found no existing app that fully addressed the needs of digital community organizing. To bridge this gap, I developed a research plan focused on mobile app trends and competitor strategies.


My competitor research revealed a gap in platforms dedicated to digital activism and community-building. I analyzed competitors like Turn Up, Causes, and Democracy Now, identifying opportunities to make activism more accessible and interactive. I conducted user interviews with five community activists to gain insights into their experiences, both online and offline, uncovering key pain points and opportunities for better engagement and collaboration.

I uncovered how they stay informed and the frustrations they face, such as difficulties verifying sources and finding reliable information. The research emphasized the need for features that foster collaboration and connection on both local and global scales, aligning with user goals of impactful community-building.


Using insights from my research, I created two user personas to capture the motivations, pain points, and goals of potential users engaging with global and local issues.
Defining these personas was challenging due to the wide variety of users that Parallel could attract. By narrowing the focus to two core profiles, I was able to effectively represent the typical user experience and tailor the app’s features to better meet their needs.

Through this process, I derived key problem statements that guided the design. The central issue was that individuals seeking to organize and educate themselves faced fragmented, inefficient information sources and lacked a centralized platform for connecting with like-minded communities. This led to the question:

• How might we create a community-led platform that facilitates resource sharing and collaboration, empowering users to engage more effectively in social issues?

These problem statements provided a clear direction, helping to focus the app's development on solving real user challenges and fostering community engagement.


When designing a content-sharing platform, I wanted to avoid issues like irrelevant content and algorithm control. I asked: What if the community itself determined content importance?

I envisioned a platform where the community determines content importance, leading to the idea of gamification. A points system that ranks content based on community engagement, empowering users to shape the platform. To implement this, I designed a community feed and mapped out the user flow, showing how users navigate features, set up profiles, engage with the community, and take meaningful action on causes they care about.


There are three main user flows within the app that reflect different levels of engagement. The primary flow outlines a typical user interaction, while the second and third flows demonstrate mid-to-high engagement. These range from posting content or events to donating to organizations and earning points. Each flow is designed to provide users with clear paths for contributing, whether through content sharing or supporting causes, ensuring a seamless experience that aligns with their goals.



I developed a mid-fidelity prototype to test the app’s usability, focusing on whether users could smoothly complete onboarding, navigate the interface, and understand key features. The goal was to evaluate if the app could engage users enough to convert them into regular users while identifying any pain points in completing the main user flow. This testing phase allowed me to refine interactions and improve overall usability based on user feedback.

To evaluate the clarity and effectiveness of the points system in motivating user engagement, I conducted a usability test with six participants. Utilizing Maze, a rapid remote testing platform, I guided testers through specific tasks designed to assess their experience. The tool captures key metrics, including the number of clicks, completion time, and any deviations from the suggested pathways. Participants also rated the clarity and difficulty of each task and provided feedback on any challenges encountered.

Tasks included:
• Signing up to create an event
• Navigating to find total engagement points
• Browsing the action center for climate change resources


One challenge encountered during the Maze prototype testing was the lack of a success message after task completion, which sometimes led testers to feel uncertain about moving on to the next task. Despite this, all six participants reported successfully completing their assignments, and the overall experience was deemed clear and intuitive. While most users navigated the tasks smoothly, some took longer and engaged in more exploratory clicks, indicating that locating engagement points could be improved.Additionally, feedback revealed that a community feed might deter users who prefer to avoid specific topics.

Overall, the study provided valuable insights.To enhance the user experience, I plan to implement a brief onboarding tutorial to help new users familiarize themselves with the app’s features. I also aim to introduce a setting that allows users to toggle between a general feed and a personalized feed based on their interests and location.


When developing the brand identity, the key concepts that guided me were friendly, approachable, inclusive, action-oriented, community-driven, informative, current, reliable, playful, and smart. Drawing inspiration from these keywords, I created a mood board on Pinterest featuring bright, playful colors, minimal logos, and engaging illustrations to embody the brand’s personality.

I believed it was essential to incorporate a variety of icons that represent both global and local issues. These icons not only guide users visually but also enhance the app's aesthetic appeal. The vibrant color palette aims to make serious topics more approachable and engaging, while the choice of rounded fonts fosters a friendly and welcoming atmosphere.

The name "Parallel" reflects the idea of alignment and collaboration, perfectly encapsulating the app's purpose as a platform where individuals can unite with their communities to create meaningful change.

splash screen

sign in / sign up

onboarding screen

community feed

navigation menu

engagement points

action center search

action center

organization profile


Working on this project was incredibly fulfilling, as it addresses the pressing issues of misinformation and the oversaturation of irrelevant content caused by algorithms. This app has the potential to create a meaningful impact by offering users a dedicated space for more organized and effective digital activism.

Empathy and User Understanding

Engaging in thorough user research and creating detailed personas helped identify specific pain points and motivations. This empathetic approach ensured that design solutions were tailored to meet user needs, enhancing overall relevance and usability.

Iterative Design Process

Emphasizing an iterative approach allows for continuous refinement. Regular user testing and feedback loops are vital for identifying usability issues early and ensuring the product evolves based on real user experiences.

Importance of Clear Problem Definition

A well-defined problem statement centered around misinformation and content oversaturation enabled me to prioritize features that effectively address these challenges.

Community Engagement as a Core Feature

Recognizing the need for a strong community aspect was pivotal. Features that encourage interaction and collaboration among users can significantly enhance engagement and user retention